Responsibly Wild

Making Magic is set to screen

We did it again. Normally Tiny Explosions takes the winter off, but after 2022 where we made three short films in six months, something felt missing this winter. So we decided to get the band back together and produce "Making Magic," a PG-Rated, 15 minute romantic-magically realistic kids fever dream. 

See production photos and learn a little more about the project here.

In November, the Fleur theater in Des Moines announced their new bi-annual local film showcase. Eventually redubbed the "Fleur Film Festival," I sent Brian a text joking "Should we make something for this?" He replied "Of course," and that is all the gas I needed to get back behind the camera.

"Making Magic" was not finished in time to make the January 24th deadline for the Fleur.  Practicalities of pulling off the original score, the video effects, sound design, and all the fun technical stuff pushed us well past the silly dream of completing the film in under a week.

BUT! Now the film is complete and having a free screening AT THE VARSITY! That's right, if you're reading this before Saturday, June 29 you can come see Making Magic on the big screen. Turns out when you rent the Varsity, you can screen pretty much anything you want in the three hours window they offer. So, instead of one 15 minute short film, we decided to build a 90 minute showcase of short films from local filmmakers that fit the fun mood of Making Magic. If you'd like to RSVP, there's more event details on Facebook.  Here's hoping you can make!

This summer and fall, Tiny Explosions once again took part in Des Moines' 48 Hour Film Projects. July is the usual 48 Hour competition and October is the annual horror specific contest. In July we produced Essential Essence, a manic puppet adventure, and in October our horror short was Wheel of Death, which is personally my favorite Tiny Explosions film to date. Please check them out and subscribe to our YouTube channel. As a fun nugget for those lucky enough to land on this site, know that Tiny Explosions has a new short film in pre-production right now that will hopefully be released around Valentines Day.

"No Shortcuts" released

Two years ago I set out to make a short film in my spare time, by myself, after my children fell asleep.  It's finally time for that short, "No Shortcuts" to be released. In early 2021 in the pre-vaccination covid days, we were being very protective our newborn daughters health so nearly all of our social experiences were shelved. Still, I had some time for working out and I realized I could turn that time into creative time. So all of March 2021 I shot the film and then for the next 9 months I did the post work late at night when everyone was asleep. In 2022 I submitted it to a couple festivals, and now after looking it over with fresh eyes and making a few edits, it is ready for you to view. I hope you enjoy it. 

No Shortcuts | Short Film

When I'm not creating with the Tiny Explosions crew, I hope film signifies the beginning of the potential for filmmaking under the Responsibly Wild label.

USS Iowa Documentary

It's been a few months, and somehow I let it slip by that the documentary project I worked on for four years(!!) was released. On March 1st, 2023 Iowa PBS premiered the documentary "USS IOWA." It was an incredible ride of shoots in California and Virginia, dozens of interviews, a pandemic putting everything on hold, public screenings, an hour-long interview spot on Iowa Publc Radio, and then the film's release. In October of 2023 the documentary was awarded a regional emmy. This is actually the first regional Emmy I've received with my name as the primary recipient. Unfortunately,  the film is not readily viewable for everyone, but if you live in Iowa you can stream it on the PBS video app. In the meantime, please check out the trailer and listen to our spot on Iowa Public Radio.

Won't Stop Skanking

Before the uninitiated get triggered, "skanking" is a dance that is commonly performed when listening to ska. Why won't I stop doing it? Because I love ska and FINALLY I found some place to spout that joy. Tom Buck is a Content Creator/YouTuber I greatly enjoy and after much needling from me, he started a ska podcast. I won't spoil the rest, because it's all in the adjoining podcast ep. So hit play, grab your checkered chucks and let the skanking commence.

In November, the Cinematic Heartland podcast had me on to talk my filmmaking journey and projects. Hosted by Kevin Isaacson of I like IKE films, it was a really fun hour talking filmmaking and what's my drive to tell stories. Talked about many things I've blogged about, The Film Lounge series on Iowa PBS, and much more. If you've got an hour, download my episode and listen on your next workout, commute, shopping spree, or quarantine cry.

Welcome! I'm a man of many hats. But also many socks, cameras, guitars, and anecdotes. You probably didn't come here for all of that, however this is a jumping off point for any of it. Should you find something here interesting, reach out! I am very a collaborative and friendly guy. I get excited at the prospect of everything from mowing the lawn to climbing a wind turbine. If you have a project you need an extra set of hands on, I know a guy with a good set of hands. 


Podcasting Adventures

Need to get me a gift?

For some reason I don't fully understand, I have been told I am hard to buy gifts for. That is ridiculous. I have so many interests and hobbies I should be considered the easiest person to shop.

So to make this super simple for anyone looking to buy me a gift, here is my personal amazon wish list. A lot of this stuff is expensive, but if you aren't getting something off that list at least you've got somewhere to jump off from.